By Wheat Art Company LLC
Policies & Information
Make For Joy Art Studio (129 E. Alder St., Suite 101) is located in beautiful downtown Walla Walla, Washington, in the same building as several other fine art companies and close to the Public Library and the YMCA. Parking is available on Alder and Colville Streets, and in the “Macy’s Parking Lot” off Alder St. With construction downtown, the best access to the Studio is via Colville St. and 2nd St.
Media/Photo Consent: During the online registration process, you will be asked to sign a media waiver that gives consent for us to take pictures of your child or you in action. This waiver is not required, and we will respect your decision if you choose to decline. We would love to share pictures of artwork with you via our social media channels to promote our programs and engage with our community.
Thank you for using Jumbula! We use a web based registration service called Jumbula. They make the whole process of registration easy for us, and hopefully for you, too! You will need to create an account with Jumbula and set up a profile for each person who registers. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us.
Thank YOU for your support!
We look forward to seeing you in Make For Joy Art!
-Allison & Matthew Palmer, Owners & Art Instructors
Please read the information below to learn more about our program policies, specific discounts, and additional information. Please contact us with your questions.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
POLICies for Refunds, Credits, Transfers, & CanceLlations
All programs are non-refundable.
“Family Credits” can be applied to an account for a number of circumstances (see below), and can be used for future registrations. Credits are non-transferable from family to family. Credits are not refundable in any way. Credits from our “Referral Program” may only be applied to Kid Programs such as weekly classes or summer camps, and may NOT be applied to Adult Programs such as an evening painting class.
Transfers & Cancellations
• If the program is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances on the part of Make For Joy, we will transfer your registration to another program, preferably within the current session. If you are unable to transfer to another program, we may issue a credit to your account on a case by case basis.
Special Needs & Behaviors
• Although we value exposure to the arts for all, we are not equipped or staffed to accommodate children with special needs; this can include ADHD and Autism Spectrum. We will address each child’s situation individually. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for understanding.
If your child needs continuous one-on-one instruction for any reason, we will not be able to accommodate your child and we may ask that their registration be withdrawn.
Summer Camps, Kid Programs Only - Applies to Summer Camps for Kids:
Transfers: All transfers up to two weeks prior to the program start date will assess a $15 fee per transfer. Transfers within two weeks prior to the program start date will assess a $40 fee per transfer. If no transfer is available within the current session, it will count as a cancellation.
Cancellations: For cancellations up to two weeks prior to the start date, we offer a 50% credit, to your Jumbula account, of the original amount paid. No credit is given for cancellation within two weeks of the program start date.
Absences: Credit is not granted for planned or unplanned absences, or poor attendance.
Please note: Any Credit granted due to a cancellation or mistake by the registering family must be used toward the following Session, after which, the credit will expire.
Up To Two Weeks Prior to Start Date:
Transfer = $15 fee
Cancellation = 50% Credit
Within Two Weeks Prior to Start Date:
Transfer = $40 fee
No Credit for Cancellation
School-Year Programs, Kid Programs Only - Applies to School-Year Classes & Camps for Kids:
Transfers: All transfers prior to the program start date, within the same session, are accepted with no fee. Mid-program transfers (after start date) are not generally accepted. If a transfer must take place, a $40 fee will be assessed at that time. Transfers are subject to availability.
Cancellations: For cancellations up to two weeks prior to the start date, we offer a 50% credit, to your Jumbula account, of the original amount paid. No credit is given for cancellation within two weeks of the program start date.
Absences: Credit is not granted for absences, poor attendance, or mid-program cancellations.
Please note: Any Credit granted due to a cancellation or mistake by the registering family must be used toward the following Session, after which, the credit will expire.
Up To Two Weeks Prior to Start Date:
Transfer accepted, no fee
Cancellation = 50% Credit
Within Two Weeks Prior to Start Date:
Transfer accepted, no fee
No Credit for Cancellation
After Start Date:
Transfer with $40 fee
No Credit for Cancellation
Sick Days - Please stay home if sick.
For two or more documented sick days within each school-year session, one $15 credit may be granted upon request per session. If you or your child is feeling sick, has runny-nose, cough, fever/chills, is feeling weak, or is generally not feeling well, please stay home.
Please email prior to class, or at least the day-of, to inform the instructor that the student will be absent due to illness/sickness. Please be honest about reporting sick days. Credit is not granted for general absences. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Adult Programs Only - Applies to individual/one-time classes & events for adults (15+):
One (1) transfer, prior to the program start date, is accepted with no fee. The transfer can not take place the day-of the program and should be to a program within 3 months from the originally registered program. Subsequent transfers will assess a $10 fee per transfer.
For cancellationsup to two weeks prior to the start date, we offer a 50% credit, to your Jumbula account, of the original amount paid. No credit is given for cancellation within two weeks of the program start date. Credit is not granted for absences or poor attendance.
Group Programs Only - Applies to private and school group classes & events:
Programs are nonrefundable. Transfers are subject to availability and done on a case by case basis, up to two weeks prior to the program start date. No credit is given for cancellation within two weeks of the program start date. Credit is not granted for absences or poor attendance. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Registration Discounts & Referral Program
The following apply to kid programs only.
• The Early Bird Pricing automatically applies to Summer Session registrations, expiring on the date noted.
• The "Multi-Program Discount" automatically applies to one (1) participant, taking $5 off the 2nd and each additional program registration in the current session. This applies to [School-Year Classes] and [Art Camps] independently.
• The Summer Camp "Multi-Program" discount automatically applies, taking $5 off the 2nd+ camp in the same week AND the 2nd+ camp in the summer, respectively, applying to each participant independently.
• The "Sibling Discount" automatically takes $5 off each program registration when registering two (2) or more participants of the same family (siblings) in the current session. This applies to [School-Year Classes] and [Art Camps] independently.
Discounts are not guaranteed. Generally, discounts apply to regularly scheduled programs and may not apply to all programs.
Our Referral Program gives current families the chance to earn credit on their account by telling NEW families about Make For Joy! We love to see new and familiar faces, and watch our students develop their artistic skills together! For every new registration referred by a current family, both the current family and the new family will receive a $10 credit on each account to be used for future KID PROGRAMS only! Credits from referrals can not be refunded and may not be applied toward adult programs. They may only be applied to kids’ programs.
(Referrals from parties/events & Art Club = $5)
In the “How did you hear about Make For Joy Art Studio?” section, mention who referred you (NAME) when registering. Thanks for telling your friends!!
Please note, there are no referral program credits offered for adult programs at this time.
Kid Program Sign-In/Out, Drop-Off & Pick-Up Policy
• Parent/Guardian Sign-In & Sign-Out on an attendance sheet.
• We expect students to arrive on time, 5 minutes before the scheduled program starts, and be picked up within 5 minutes after the scheduled program finishes. If drop-off or pick-up is more than 10 minutes before/after, a $10 fee will be assessed.
• Only approved persons are allowed to sign-out/pick-up a child, as listed on the participant's "Approved Person(s) for Pick-Up" list in their registration.
Parents/guardians can add to the "Approved Person(s) for Pick-Up" list anytime by 1) updating their registration profile online (preferred!), or 2) notifying us via email or in-person, preferably 24-hours in advance of the pick-up date.
In certain cases, parents may request their child sign themselves in/out. Please inform us in writing via email at: makeforjoyart@gmail.com if you plan to have your child independently sign themselves into or out of a program.
All policies are subject to be updated and changed at any time.